Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

all 3 Dayes a Go we had a meeting at my house and we Subscribed 2100 Dollars to send in to Purchas Guns, 8 of us Subcribed 2000 and Last Night the Comitty met at my house and has Sant on Capt English to attand to the Purchas of arms, he Left hear at 10 oclock at Night and he Bars the Express containing Austcns Letters So as, to have the Letters at San Auguteen by twelve oclock to Day, as thear is to Be a meeting thear, I have had a Part of the hand 13ill translated and wilI have it Read to the .Maxacans, ycastcrday I had a taulk with with Col. Bean and he has promised me to try and Rase the Maxacans and go on with them, I have promised the Maxacans 500 Dollar in Cash and all my influance will be yoused to Git then-to unite and Joine the arme and at Present from what tauk I have had I am in Good hopes, to Day 35, or 40 San Auguteen trupe Leave hear for your assistance and about as maney more from this Place and I am informed that we may Count on a hundread more from San Augutecn and that Nabourhood thear is But one thing wanting hear to unite us all that is to Convince the Cheafe and I hope you will youse your influance with him and I wall No that all Depends on you and Gen Zavala for Zavala Can influance him and then all will Go in togather hart and hand So you and Zavala _must Spar No Panes in this mater and the Cheafe Sayes he will Be with you in 4 Days from this time he also informed me to Day he will make a Short Stay in San Phillipia. I Give it as my advise that If you C_an Git him to Joine you in opinion that you will Git him to wright and Sand his Letter By Express thear is a Bout 120 Good maxacans that will Joine the Cause when I Commenced these few lines I Entended to Be sent on to Dr Richerson and that he would Present It to you But supposing him Gon on to Gonzalles I wright you Jorge Ant Nixon your Express in forming us of your Prospect of 2000 from N Orleans has just arrived and in a Bout 20 Minets Somthing like 100 man will Just march on hors Back I have Just Been Speaking with Mr Berrey and he for the first time has declard he will Sand an Express Back from San PhiUipia, he Seemes to Be in favour so I hope you will have But Littel truhil in hast Jorge Ant Nixon Sind. [Addressed:) Col. Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin


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