cion la nota reservada que con fha. 5. del actuan crei conveniente dirigir a V. E. desde Goliad. Al dar V. E. conocimicnto de estc asunto al E. S. Presidte. de la Repubca. sirvase asegurarle de la decision constante de las tropas que estan a mis ordcnes pa. obrar en cualquier caso de modo que se les prevenga pr. esa superiori~ad, admitiendo V. E. entre tanto las seguridades de mi respeto. Dios y Libertad, Bejar Octubre 10. de 1835 Mtin. Perfto de Cos. Exmo. Sr. l\'linistro de la Guerra y Marina. Mejico. (Endorsed:] Partucpa q el Sr. Butler Ministo. de los EE. UU. de America serca de los nuestros, ha hecho su biaje pa. la Capital pr. estas colonias. Nov. 4. de 1835. Enterado y trasladese a Relaciones para los fines consigtes.
[808] (KERR to COUNCIL]
Guadaloupe Victoria Oct 10 1835, 11 o'clk P. M.
To the Council of War at Gonzales
This moment Col Milam .with an escort of a few men bringing with them three officers passing from Goliad bound for San Felipe, a copy of the following letter will elucidate the matter. "Goliad 8 oclock A. M. Oct 10, 1835 To Captain Ben Smith Dear Sir, I have arrived here last night at 11 oclock and marched into the fort by forcing the church doors, and after a small fight they surrendered with 3 officers & 21 soldiers, together with 3 wounded and one killed. I had one of my men wounded in the shoulder. They have dispatched couriers for troops to several points, and expect J shall need your aid, there are plenty of public horses near here but I have not sufficient force lo send after them and protect myself. Come on as speedily as possible- Gco. M. Collinsworth. You will please communicate with Col. J. H. l\'loore on this subject of my letter, and since the above was wrillen I have been informed that 50 troops were expected today or tomorrow. Come
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