[716] [GRITTEN to LEWIS}
Bexar 1 October 1835
Major I. R. Le\\~S
Dear Sir,
I had last the pleasure of addressing you by D Juan A. Padilla and I now repeat it, in consequence of the departure for your town of Mess Buckley and Kirby, the bearers, whom I beg leave to intorduce to your acquaintance and attentions. Intelligence has been received from Gonzales, stating that the Ayuntamiento has refused to give up a dismounted cannon demanded by this Military Commandant on an order from the Political Chief, claiming it as belonging lo the place. The 28 ult one hund cavalry left for Gonzales to enforce the order, which however was not then complied with and in this situation of the affair it was judged expedient, after consultation, to adopt the suggestion of Col. Ugartechea (who professes himself unwilling to come to a mpture with the Colonies) that D Smither should proceed to Gonzales and recommend to that Municipaljty to await the orders of the Political Chief of the Brazos direct the gun to be given up and the Colonel withdraw his troops, an arrangement may yet be effectcd, suitable lo the honor and interests of Texas, if not, the Colonies, when they go into the struggle, should do so unanimously and with heart and would, if they wish lo succeed. General Cos is to be here in a few days and is appointed Commissioner for the affairs of the Colonies: more troops are also expected. Please present my best comp to Judge Chambers and my best respects to your lady who I sincerely hope has improved in health. Mess Buckley and Kirby wil! give you all the information they [are in possession of.} Edward Gritten (Addressed:} Major I. R. Lewis Matagorda Politeness Mess Buckley and Kirby
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