Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

meet Col [lorn] at Gonzales perhapse by this time they may have had an engagement Can you spare a few more men or not have you spare b'llllS Powder & Lead They are called and any service you may render in that way will receive the Thanks of This Body and your country Give assurances to persons Engaged in the Public Service of Compensation they will be Provided for A Gentleman by the name of Poe Proposes to mount the cannon &c It belongs to your Committee lo attend to that maller lf you are deficient in numbers fill the vacancy or act alone and all you do will be approbaled With Considerations of much regard remain very respectfully

G. Borden Ch Pro Tern Tern of Committee

R R Royall Member of Council from Matagorda Issac BaUerson from Harrisburg [Addressed:] Com of Safety - Columbia By Doct. Wallace



At Camp above San Antonio, October 9, 1835.

To General Stephen F. Austin:

I have declined further action under the appointment given to me by yourself. This you ,viii therefore look upon as my resignation. I will be· found in Captain Fannin's company, where my duty to my country and the principles of human rights shall be discharged on my part to the extent of my abilities as a private.

Respectfully, James Bowie.


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