Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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motives l refer ·you lo the accomapnying teller from our worthy frien Linn to yo.ur Alcalde lo which I have only added my wish & hope that yoti will send us forthwith every man you cai_1 spare- ~f arms we have plenty and come one of yourselves mperson 1f possible- this place is ours, the General Victory will also he ours decidely sic and more immediately with your aid- Gentlemen hesitate not to rally your men- the Day is ours. recollect- United We Stand Divided We fall- [c. Oct. 8, 1835]

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Your friend & obt St Thomas G. Western

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Do not omit to give us the most correct information of the force at Lipantitlan their Caballada and obtain all possible information relative to the Cahalladas lately driven off hence & from Refugio.

[Addressed:] To Jno. McMullen & Jas. McGloin, Esq. San Patricio


To The Commill~e of Safety Columbia. G,enlt.

We have recd as directed to Col Austin Several Letters expressive of fears arising from Reports in Cir-culation among you, relative to the expected approach of the enemy by sea We are told that those reports arose from a letter Written by young Mr Powell of Early date and whither circumstances will warrant fears or not on that subject We cannot believe that the Mexican Nation can furnish vessels for embarkation of more than 400 to 600 troops at one time and though that number could at this particular juncture do us material injury yet we are of opinion it would he of short duration But we think it Highly Important that the Cannon should be mounted and Velasco Put in a slate of Defense as spedily as possible and should an enemy appear every precaution should be used to prevent a landing We have been in expectation of a member from your numbers lo the Permanent Council As yet we have but few and hope you wiU comply immiatialll as Col Austin's absence renders it essentially necessary to keep a standing authority here and that its numbers be as respectable as possible By express recd Last night Ugarlcchca & Cos are on their march to

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