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order to cart in your might lo !he general good. The cause must now be sustained al all hazards. Our distruclion was aimed al previously to lhe breaking of peace wit_h tl~e Central pa~y as ii will be now in ca·se they succeed, all of wluch 1s proven by mlercepted correspondence recently obtained And we Irishmen know how to appreciate a despotic military government; therefore, I will deem it derogatory to your character to offer you any other motives in order to arouse your known palriolism. All that you can do, to aid us f am confident you will do, in order to drive from th soil of Texas, the marauders an butchers of Zacalecas: Whose yel yell, on entering that·devoted city was. "deat/r to all foreigners" Let it be strictly understood that your motto is Federalism, contra Centralism. The state of our affairs stands thusAustin as Commander in Chief of the main army of the People crossed the Guardeloupe at Gonzales, for Bexar yesterday. As this place was taken on the night of the 9th inst. by storm, without the loss of man on our side, we have been ordered to "maintain it al all hazards. which we can now do against 1000 men. You wiU immediately organize yourselves and send as many men as can be spared to this point. to join with any other force from here for the main army for it is past doubt that there will be but one struggle for the Liberty of Texas. Thank fortune their numbers are but few. and their means of reinforcing al an edn. as the interior is arming again, and determined to contend with us for the Liberty of Man. Let it be understood, however, that, in case you consider yourselves in any clanger from the soldiery in your vicinity. you will consider it a paramount duty lo sustain your selves as you may deem prudent. A sanguin hope is entertained that, in 10 days after Bexar is invested, it will fall. Hoping that Goel in his infinite sic may guide and direct us through this and every other struggle for our rights, I subscribe myself yours truly and sincerely John Linn P.S. The Convention is to meet on the 1st of November. It is composed of Delegates from each jurisdiction in Texas. You will please elect elect without fail 7 members. On this subject, I should be happy lo have a personal
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