From the Committee of Safety of the Jurisdiction of Austin Committee-Room, San Felipe de Austin, October 8, 1835, 12 o'clock at night. The committee of Safety for the Jurisdiction of Austin, in conjunction with other committees in different parts of the country, say to their fcllowcitizens: that The time has now arrived when it behooves every friend to his countTy to be up and doing. Intelligence of the most interesting and important character has just reached this Committee from the camp of our countrymen. Colonel Ugartechea is on his march from Bexar with 500 men, to overrun our country. They come to fasten down upon our necks the yoke, and to rivet upon our hands the manacles of military servitude. Gonzales is doomed to the sword and the flame. Colorado will next be the theatre of blood and rapine-then the Brazos-till every spot of our rich and fertile country shall present to the eye but one wide scene of devastation, and we, the rightful proprietors, be driven from the soil which we have reclaimed by our toils and sufferings from a savage wilderness, and which we have made valuable by our labor and hardy enterprise. Shall we give up without a struggle, the fruits of so many years of danger, difficulty and unparalJeled suffering? Shall we surrender our country and our homes to a military usurpation? Are we willing to forego all the advantages held out to us as the recompense of the most daring enterprise? Can we let a military despot reap the harvest after we have sown the seeds? This Committee are ready to answer for their countrymen; and they answer by calling upon them lo come, and come quickly, to the as.sistance of their friends, their neighbours, and their brothers, three hundred of whom are already on the field-colonel Austin is with them. These have to contend with the whole of the .Mexican army; but they will contend bravely; they will dispute every inch of ground with their invaders untill the expected aid shall arrive. Gail Borden, Jr. Wm. Pettis Jno. H. Money. Members of the Com. of Austin.
R. R. Royall, Member from Matagorda. Isaac Batterson, Member from Harrisburg.
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