Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


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San Felipe 8th October 1835

To Com. of Nacogdoches

Citizens you will receive by this Express our Circular to which Please give currincy. The People here are nearly all in the sen~ce we want help we fear very much for our gallant men at Gonzales - do all with Dispatch If the Indians are like to trouble you would not a word from the Comd of the U. S. Garrison silence them we show the Govt of the U. States will not Permite those tribes to invade us while in struggle If this much was merely signified it might be sufficient. Col. Austin has left But requested us to use his name and say that the Indians should be Provided for according lo their Contracts and he Expected them to send agents lo the Convention. We also send you Documents for the Press in Nactitoches which Please forward with all Haste - will it not be well for you have Copies of Col. Moore's letter Circulated on Trinity and Corrs Bayou &c &c

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G. Borden, Jr. Chairman pro tem of Committee of Safety & Council [778]


Guaclaloupe 12 o'Clock Oct 8 1835

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In Camp- Col S. F. Austin

Dear Sir I have this clay stoped an Express directed to you from Marlin Perfecto de Cos which I deemed of Some importance to our Movements, Consequently have taken the liberty of opening the Same, and have Resealed and dispatched with all possible Speed-we Shall Enter Laberdee to Night or tomorrow, there is from 60 lo 100 troops in that place I have under My charge 47 Good and Effective men which I think all Sufficient to take that place, from whence if I have No advice I Shall direct My March to Bexar, I also inclose you a leller from the Custom House at Goliad to Mr Dimmel, without a Signature Jn hast your obt Servant Geo. M. Collinsworth, Capt.


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