Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

their slate trampled upon, their governor thrown into prison, and their legislature dispersed al the point of bayonet. And whereas we have just learned with great concern, that a trained hand of mymidons has lately landed near the mouth of the Brasos, under Lhe command of general Cos, with the declared intention of "disarming the people, creating a military government and confiscating Lhe property of the rebellious." Therefore, resolved, Thal this rneeling regard the situation of the people of Texas as commanding their most lively feelings; and that we cannot look upon a brave and generous people, who have remained loyal to their oaths and to the constitution, oppressed by a usurper who seeks lo reduce them to the condition of slaves, by hayonets place in the hands of a mercenary soldiery, whose whole aim and end are rapine an massacre. Resolved, That we will lend them all possible assistance in their struggle for liberty and the constitution, in the event that it may be necessary for them to throw off the yoke of their oppressors, and assume among the nations of earth, that "independent station to which the laws of nature and of nature'. God entitle them." Resolved, That the majority of the people of Te~as arl bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, that they are united to us by the ties of nativity and kindred, and that they are engaged in the same cause in defence of which, their and our forefathers bled and died-the great cause of constitutional liberty. Resolved, That in times past, we have freely and with an honest pride, contributed our aid to the disenthrlment of Greece, the restoration of Poland and the liberation of l\'Iexico, and that we cannot now refuse our sympathy and aid to those who are advocating the same principles, and who are endeared to us by every tie that can bind one people lo another. Resolved, That in the defence of Texas from an external enemy, the treasures and blood of some of the best citizens of the union, and especially of Louisiana were freely expended; and that now in the hour of her conflict and trial, we cannot resist the call to protect her from the ruthless fangs of an internal despot. Resolved, That we feel proud that the citizens of Texas have shown an abiding attachment to the principles in which they have been educated; that, although few in number, they hav·e shown themselves genuine Americans, that they repudiated the

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