Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Commander in Chief of this Dept for the purpose of issuing orders raising troops etc and being well satisfied of !he fitness capacity and fidelity of Genl Saml Houstin for such a stah~m- Be it therefore Resolved that we with the Concurrance of the Com of Safty and vier of Nacocr do hereby appoint the said Sarni Houston. Genl and Com~nand in Cheif of tlte forces of this Depart. vesting him with full pow~r~ to raise troops_ organise th~ for r l ccs and do all things appertammg to such office And be 1t further resolved that the powers of the Said Com'der continue in fo_r~e till the Gen(er] al Consultation of texas shall make farther proVJs10ns And be it farther resolved that said Houston be required to issue proclamations and Call for recruits and to do all things in his power to sustain the principles of the Constitution of 1824 Philip A. Sublett chairman A. G. Kellog Seery


At a meeting of the citizens of Natchitoches convened on the 7th of October, 1835, al the Red River exchange, Dr. John Sibley was called to the chair, and J. E. Carr was appointed secretary. John R. Dunn, esq. having in an appropriate address declared the object of this meeting lo he to express our sympathy with the inhabitants of Texas, who are about to suffer from the lawless and tyrannical attempt_to trample their liberties under foot, and to deprive them of the rights and immunities to which as men and as freemen, they are entitled. On motion of Dr. C. G. Lewis, resolved that a committee o( five be appointed to prepare the resolutions expressive of the sense of this meeting on the alarming sitliation of affairs in the neighboring province of Texas, whereupon Messrs. John A. Dunn, C. G. Lewis, P. W. Wilkins, D. S. Koufman and J.B. Carr, were appointed on the said committee, and having retired, in a few moments reported the following preample and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Whereas, the rights and liberties of our fellow country men of the neighboring province of Texas, are endangered by the violent and despotic course of general Santa Anna, the rights of

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