Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

made upon this coast should they know it to he unprotected? And would it not be prudent that a portion of our forces should stay lo defend it in case·of necessity? Would there nol be great danger from the Negroes should a large Mexican force come so near? Your information on this subject is doubtless much better than ours and your opinion would be listened to with much confidence and satisfaction. The most vulnerable point should certainly be the best protected one-did we know where that is, I am confident we would hasten to it. Many false rumors are in circulation, it is important to know the tTuth as near as possible. TJ. Pilgrim Stephen F Austin [772) [RUEG to ZAVALA)

Sor. On. Lorenzo Zabala

Nacogdoches Octe. 6 de 1835.

San Felipe

Muy apreciado Sor. mio- 1-le sabido por su dependiente (quion llego ayer) q. V. esta

en esa villa y q. V. piensa verme alli.

Sin embargo de haber manteniclo hasta la feha. algun oscrupulo en asister a la consultacion q. se enlenla, por motivo de no haber podido conciliar este paso con los deberes de mi empleo pienso q. las circunstancias actuales mo justifican en la delerminc- cion q. acabo de lomar de trasporlarme a ella siendo mi objeto cl de adquerir informes esactos Locante a nueslra situecion politica pa. cooperar por mi partc en cuantas providencias conducentes a la prospcridad de esta mi palria adoptacla ya la prcservacion de la paz y del orclcn. Pienso llcgar a esa el clia 15 del presenle en compania de los delegados de cste dislriclo. Soy de V. el atento Scrvidor q. b. s. m.

Z. E. Rueg


San Agustin 6 ocl. 1835. Committee Room Whereas in the present emergency organization and energy of action are necessary and whereas we sec the great ncccsity of a


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