their conferences under this resolulion as soon as practicable. Resolved that the regular meelings of this committee shall be twice monthly, that is on the first and sixteenth of each month, and that on extraordinary occasions three members shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. . Resolved that. the secretary be directed to draw up a subscription paper for the purpose of raising funds for the Procurina of arms and ammunitions, for transmitting intelligence " . and for other such contrngent expenses of war as cannot be avoided. [770) [MOORE to HALL]
i ' I I I . I I . I ' I I
Head Quarters
10 O'clock at night
Gonzales October 6, 1835
Col. Ugarterchea with 500 troops and 3 pieces of cannon Started from San Antonio for this place he is expected to arrive here tomorrow. We now have a few more than 400 troops-You will please to haslen your March and join us as Soon as you possibly can.- to Capt. Hall and Yrs. Resp Ly others who are marching John H. Moore lo Gonzales Col. Comat.
[771) [PILGRl!\'1 to AUSTIN]
Columbia Oct 6 1835
Col Austin Dr Sir
I staid last night at Mr Perrys and all were quite well except Eliza who has been quite sick but is now nearly recovered. Much excitement is now felt in this sction in consequence of a report that 2000 troops are to land in a few days at the mouth of the Brazos. The origin of this report was a letter written by Samuel Powell to his mother assuring her Lhat it was an unquestionable fact and cautioning her to be prepared for the worst. There arc many here still, who arc willing to march to the assistance of their countryman ato Gonzales, did they think it prudent for any more to leave. Is there not al any rate a strong probability that a descent may be
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