1226. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XI, 51. 1227. Quarterly of the Texas St11te Historical Association, XI, 50. 1228. Barker, The AIIStin Papers, III, 260. 1229. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 259. 1230. Barker, The Austin Papers, II I, 256-58. 1231. Barker, The Austin Papers, III, 260-61. 1232. Army Papers. Tx. Burlurson and Burlinson are Edward Burleson and Floris is Salvador Flores. 1233. Copy in Sam Houston Papers. TxU-A. 1234. Army Papers. Tx. The "incloscd" is #1233. 1235. Mexico-Texas-Canad11 ... IWash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 74, 18381, I 0-11. 1238. Consultation Papers. Tx. The writer inserted a drawing of a flag dh•ided into three equal vertical rectangles with the numerals 1, 8, 2, and 4 spread across them. 1239. Army Papers. Tx. 1240. Broadside. Tx. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #844. 124 I. Filisola. Memorias IRaraell, II, 241. I 242. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1243. Texan 11nd Immigrant's Guide INacogdochesl, November 28, 1835. 1244. Laredo Archives. St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas. 1236. Memorillls of George Fisher, 62-63. 1237. Barker. The Austin Papers. III, 258. I 245. Brown, Life of Henry Smith, 297-98. 1246. Edward. History of Texas, 254-58. 1247. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1248. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 1249. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1250. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 1251. Army Papers. Tx. 1252. Cited in George. The Lile or Philip Dimmitt /sic/, 39. MA Thesis. TxU-B. 1256. Brown, Life of Henry Smith, 116. 1257. Brown, Life of Henry Smith, 117-18. 1258. Quarterly ofthe Texas State Historical A$Sociation, XI, 52. 1259. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1260. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical A$Sociation, XI, 52. 1261. Copy in State Department Record Books. Tx. There are 67 signatories. 1262. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1263. Consultation Papers. Tx. This is a repeat, by error, or #1259. 1264. Copy in Sam Houston Papers. TxU-A. 1265. Binkley, Texan Revolution, 161. 1266. Qu11rterlyofthe Texas State Historical A$Sociation, XI, 51-52. 1253. The Courier (Natchezl, December 2, 1835. 1254. Little Rock Advocate, November 20, 1835. 1255. Goddard and Kritzler, Beinecke Collection, I, #169.
1267. James F. Perry Papers. TxU-A. 1268. Baker.A Texas Scrap-Book, 657.
1269. Barker, The Austin Papers, II I, 262-64. 1270. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 1271. Quarterly ofthe Texas State Historical A$Soci11tion, XI, 53. 1272. Barker, The Austin Papers, III, 264. 1273. Army Papers. Tx. 1274. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. 1275. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 264-65. 1276. Texas Heritage, November, 1960.
1277. Santa Anna, Manifiesto que de Sus Operaciones t>n la C.ampana dt> Tt'ja.•. This translation from Castaneda, The Mexican Side of tht- 1'ttian Rt't'<>lutiOA. 50.
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