1025. Memorials of George Fisher, 43-45. This is Fi,her's 1ransla1ion of Mexia"s d~ument, which was in Spanish and is now in 1he Consultation Papers, Tx. Bmkley, Texan Revolution, 26-2i. prints Lorenzo de Zavala·s translalion the original of which is in the Consultation Papers. Zavala's differs in a few ~inor particulars, such as ..publicity" instead of "perversity" in line 3. l026. Telegraph and Texas Register, October 31, 1835. The original is in the Land Office Papers. Tx. 1027. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. I 028. Barker, The Austin Papers, Ill. 220-21. I 029. Barker. The Austin Papers, III. 221·23. I 030. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 1031. Valentin Gomez Farias Papers. TxU-L. I 032. Copy in State Department Record Books. Tx. Stern is Adolphus Sterne. I 033. Binkley, Texan Revolwion, 31. Palmer should be Parmer. I 034. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. I 035. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 225-26. 1036. Raines, Year Book for Texas, 11, 458-59. The original has not been found: hence we have used this incomplete version. l 03 7. Manning, Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, VIII. #332i. I 038. Shackford, David Crockett, 210. 1039. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. l 040. State Department Record Books. Tx. Erwin is Dr. Thomas R. En,in. The Naided is probably the Navidad River. I 041. State Deparlment Papers. I 042. Consultation Papers. Tx. Stewart is Charles B. Stewart. I 043. Consultation Papers. Tx. I 044. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 223-24. l 045. Consultation Papers. Tx. I 046. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association. VII. 278. 104i. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. Leona\;llario is Leona Vicario, an• other name for Saltillo, sometime capital of Coahuila y Texas. 1048. Copy in Biographical Files. TxU-B. 1049. Arrillage, Recopilacion de leyes .. .. 1835. 5i4. I 050. Arehivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. l 051. The Texas Republican (Brazoria}. October 31. 1835. l 052. Barker, The Austin Papers. III. 193-94. 1053. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 193. 1054. Broadside. Tx. Streeter. A Bibliography of Texas, #IOI. . I 055. Memorials of George Fisher. 4i. Also printed in Telegraph and Texas Register. November 14, 1835. The two companies referred lo are the New Orleans Greys. 1056. Barker. The Austin Papers, III, 22i-28. 1057. Memorials of George Fisher. 73. I 058. Barker, The Austin Papers. III. 228-29. I 059. Barker, The Austin Papers. III. 226. _ 1060. Journals of the Consultation, 8-10. Also, Gammel, laws of Texas, I.;, 12-14. I 061. Financial Affairs Papers. Tx.
l l
I 062. Barker, The Austin Papers, III. 229-30. l 063. Barker, The Austin Papers, III, 232. 1064. Raines, Year Book for Texas, II. 429-30. I 065. Raines, Year Book for Texas. I I. 459. I 066. Barker, Tire Austin Papers, II I. 232-33. I 06 7. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. I 068. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. I 069. Barker, The Austin Papers, III.231-32. I0iO. Archivo General de Mexico Pa1>t'rs. TxU·A. I 071 . Consultnlion Papers. Tx. I Oi2. Archivo General de Mexico P111)('rs. TxU-A.
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