Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

926. 92,. 928. tJ2<), 9:10. ():\ I. 9:32.

Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. The first illegible word is probably "bearer:· the second "core," and the third "capaciated." A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Mcxico-Texas-Canacla .•. IWash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 74. 18381, 3. Telegraph and Texas Register, October 26. 1835. A draft in the Domestic Corre- spondence. Tx. is endorsed "Coppy Sent by J. J. Linn.. and has the follo"ing .1ppended: "The above speaks its own importance and it is dictated by the most im1wrio11s circumstances the Tnath & that only is here told you. I I is now left with yon lo decide for you to act. Ira Ingram." Collinsworth is David M. Collins• worth of the Matagorda Volunteers. Coas is Martin Perfecto de Cos. Not located. Mentioned in #998. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. B.1rker. The Austin Papers, 111.201-202. B.1rker. The Austin Papers. II I. l 97-<l9. Barker. The Austin Papers, III. 199-20 I. Charles S. Taylor Selected Papers. R. B. Blake Typescripts. XXVI. 65. TxU-A. Mississippi Free Trader, November 2i. 1835. Quarterly ofthe Texas State Historical Association. XI, 22. Quarterly ofthe Texas Smee Historical Association. XI. 22. Q1111rterly ofthe Texas State Historical Association. XI. 21. Q1111rterly ofthe Texas State Historical Association, XI, 20-21. Barker. The Austin Papers, III. 202-203. Correspondence with the Govenment of 1Wexico . . . IWnsh.. 24th Cong., 1st Sess .. H.E.D. 256. 18361, 28. Niles Register IBaltimorcl. December 5. 1835. Barker. The Austin Papers, II I. 20,i. Godd.1rd and Knitzlcr. Beinecke Collection. I. #241. The Texns Republican IBrazorial. November 14, 1835. B1•xar Archives. TxU-A. Quarterly ofthe Texas State Historical Association, XI. 27-28. Quarterlyofthe Texas State Historical Association. XI, 22-23. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Johnson and Barker. History of Texas and Texans, I. 286-88. Barker. The Austin Papers, III. 205-206. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. Bexar Archives. Tx. B.1rker. The Austin Papers, Ill. 146-47. _ . . Q1111rterly of the Texas State Historical Association, VII, 210. The original rs m Consultation Papers. Tx. Arrnv Papers. Tx. . .

<l:13. 9:14. ():15. 9:Hi. l):\'j_ 1 n8. 9:ltJ. 1)4(1. tJ4 I. tJ42. <J4:I. 944. 945. 946. ()4,. 948. 1 )49. 950. <J.5 I. 9.'>2. 953. <J.,4. 95.'>. 95(,. 95,. 9.'>8. 959. ()(10. 96 I. 962. %3. ()64. 965. I)(,{), %:. 9h8. 1)(,tJ. 9-;-0. I)';" I. 1)';"2. 1 1::1. l)'j 4.

Qua;terly ofthe Texas State Historical Association. XI. 2~-30. Q1111rterly of the Texas State Historical Association. XI. 2 1. Q11nrterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XI, 29. Q1111rterly ofthe Texas State Historical 1_ssociation. XI. 25. Barker. The Austin Papers. III, 206-20 L B.1rkcr. Tire Austin Papers, Ill. 207. Niles Register IBaltimorel, October 24, 1835.

Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Cormrhation Papers. Tx.

. . . Not located. Mentioned in Quarterly of the Texas State H,stonral Assor,ac,on, Vll.259. Consultation Papers. Tx. Barker. The Austin Papers, III, 210-211. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Q1111rterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XI. 30. .

Burker. The Austin Papers, 111. 207-209. Comptrolll'rs Militnry Service Records. Tx.


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