prosperity and quiet of our adopted, and at present disorganized and distracted country. Allow me to assure you that the course herein recommended would meet the views of a great majority of the army, and also of those citizens with whom J have met since my return from camp. A conscientious conviction of the importance, correctness, and indeed indispensability of it, induces me to d.ecline acting as commissioner, under present circumstances. I understand that arrangements have been made to borrow one hundred thousand doUars, which, with the olher aid in the power of the Governor and Council to bestow, will be amply sufficient to sustain the army, and provide for all other emergencies, until a new Convention can meet. In conclusion, allow me to say, that I believe the sustaining of the present army is more important than every thing else put together; and that I hope and recommend that no pains be spared lo give them all the comfort and support within the powers of the provisional government. A belief of the importance of sustaining the army, wiU induce me lo return to it immediately, with all the recruits I can possibly muster. Very respectfully yours, Wm. H. Wharton P.S. The army is much in want of coffee, sugar, flour, tobacco, clothing, etc., and if not furnished as soon as possible,. great and just dissatisfaction will ensue. Please communicate as much of this as is necessary, to the Provisional Governor and Council. November 26, 1835
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