Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


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Capt. Lieut



Do Cornell Privates

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651 59 73 Morning Report of Capt. Travis Company 26th Novr. 1835 N. B. M. T. Marlin W. H. Haggard W. Brascy are absent with out leave and are not include,l in the above Report W. B. Travis [1307] [WHARTON to ARCHER] 6

B. T. Archer, Esq., President of the Convention.

Sir,-In answer to your letter announcing my election by the Convention, as commissioner to the United States, I have to say, that, under existing circumstances, I decline the a·ppointment. The declaration of the Convention, and the attitude assumed by that body, appear lo me to be too indefinite to induce foreign governments or capitalists to lend us their aid, either of a pecuniary or other nature. Underslan_d me; I do not blame the Convention for their declaration. They were not empowered, as I conceive, lo make any other. A declaration of independence was not in the contemplation of those who elected them. It was thought, and I, among others thought, that a declaration in favor of the federal Constitution of 1824 would be the most prudent and politic course that could be pursued by the Convention. It was thought that such a course would neutralize, or enlist the sympathies and assistance of the federal party of the Interior in our favor; and also that, under such declaration, we could obtain the requisite loans etc. etc., from the capitalists of the United States. Of late, I have been forced to conclude that both parties of the Interior will unite against us, whatever be our declaration, believing, or pretending to believe it an attack upon the "integrity


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