Resolved, That the Chairman request the Commissioners not to receive any Surveys made after the 1st. of Novr. 1835, as a number of individuals have gone to the frontier who have not made selection of their lands, and they they be requested to take aU means in their power lo carry this resolution into effect, and farther to receive no returns from those who may leave for the purpose of making surveys after this elate ,
a true Copy Wm B. Recd Seely
[Secretary of Treasury, Mexico, to Dean de Santa Iglesia Melropolitana, Mexico, November 26, 1835, raising the request for funds for sending troops to Texas to 50,000 pesos.] [1305] [RUTLAND to MOORE]
Thursday Coxes Point Novr. 26th. 1835
Capt. John W. Moore Sir
I have visited the most of the Houses in this section of Country, and I have got one Waggon, there is some IiIlle hopes of my geting of a waggon or cart should they get home, People seams very indiferent respecting the situation of the country, they feel! no disposlion to assist in conveying the things lo the army, and it is discouragcing lo he with them, I am told by those who seam best acquainted that St Anna will he the best place for you to land the goods & therefore shall have one waggon there If no more, and shall remain at that point untill I do here from you &c-1 shall use every exertion to procure some more teams before you get over- Respectfully Yours &c John S. Rutland
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