must now be deprived for an uncertain period of time of the promises of the Government to which they Emigrated, and the fulfilment of the expectations of their friends when they left for Camp. This Committee would further state, that many of the Citizens of this municipality have actually involved themselves in forwarding the cause of the Country, depending upon Contracts to reemburse themselves, that they actually expect to close with lands, the titles for which are not completed Notwithstanding the surveys have been made in many instances for twelve months. The passage of no resolution could have a worse effect upon the public finances of the Country, which must be evident to the Council, as the titles issued by two of the Commissioners in this municipality requires · that all the dues to the Government be paid upon the delivery of the title, and the sale of stampted paper and local state duties, so great a scource of revenue to the Country must necessaryly cease. This Committee would further state that it has been asserted here, & has become a circumstance of notority in this part of the Country that the Consultation has Appointed three Commissioners to take charge of the papers and documents of every description now in the land offices in this municipality, which report this Committee earnestly hope may be eronious, as the Citizens of this part of the Country has evinced such repugnance at the very idea at the fulfilment of such a resolution, that this Committee views it as a circumstance Calculated to disturb the Harmony and Union of Texas at a time when nothing but Union & Concert of action can protect the Country & repulse an enemy to our liberties as well as private rights-the Citizens of this Munici- pality view their unfinished Titles as private property and do not deem it requisite to secure their rights nor the interest of the Country, that any other persons should be nominated to take charge of the papers, as much Confusion and derangement must ensue, and perhaps the loss of valuable documents, securing the Citizen his private property. This Committee have endeavoured to ascertain the wishes of the whole Community of the eastern part of Texas on the subject just mentioned, and would suggest the propriety of Your author- izing the Commissioners to proceed to finish all land business surveyed previous to the first of November inst. and to retain their papers in their hands as anticipated by the law authorising them to issue titles, this is the wish of the inhabitants of this part universally Very Respectfully Yours &c. Haden Edwards Chairman pro tern Wm B. Reed Secty Copy of a Resolution passed by this Committee 27th. Oct. 1835
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