regard lo their claims, and on securing from us assurances that their rights :,:hould be respected, they appeared perfectly Satisfied, and assured us that they never had any idea of going to war, They also told us, that (as the convention was not then in Session) they would return home and send their young men against the wild or prairie indians, which were daily Committing depredations on the inhabitants of our frontier, and also on the indians Stealing their horses &c. We then told them that if they sent any force against the wild indians we should furnish them with powder & lead. from Sim's we proceeded to Nacogdoches, where we separated Garrell & Hood going to San Augustin and myself remaining in that place wyile in Nacogdoches, I sent an express to the Shawnees requesting them to meet me as soon as possible. In four days the express returned accompanied by two chiefs and five or Six young men, The same day I had a talk with them, and on they being informed of the intentions of the counsil, they appeared perfectly contented, and, assured me that they ounce had made a Treaty of peace with the americans, and that they never intended lo violate any part of that treaty. Some of their young men then observed, that, if I should say so-& that the people thought it right, they would join the americans & fight the Mexicans,- as to the other smaJI tribes residing east of the Trinity, very far from having any hostile intentions they were very much frightened and dreaded that the americans, should drive them away-having been told so, by medling persons living riear or trading with them Being it also our duty to call on publick officers and demand from them all the publick money existing in their hands I applied to them according to my instructions, and obtain- from G. W. Smith Land com'er $ 1378.77½ do C. S. Taylor do do 300.00 do J. S. Roberts Received for the sale of Stamps paper TotaJ 250.00 $ 1928.77½ Amount receipted for by me, to the above named persons and which I now hold al the disposal of this Honorable Counsil- According lo my instructions I have also appointed with the Sanction of the Committee of Safely & Vigilance of Nacogdoches John K Allen receivor, of all money due lo the Stale of Coahuila & Texas on land granted lo colonist or otherwise &
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