Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

. T~ngo la honrra de comunicarlo a V. E. para su Superior Conoc1m1ento y come resultado de las Supremas ordenes relatives de 14. de) actual en Conceplo de que al Tenienle Coronel Vecille he comunicado la parte que le toca sobrc el plan de la Fortificacion de este Puerto que nececila extendcrlo a las embocadaras del Rio Bravo y de) Brazos de Santiago, y de que todo el acopio de materiales para un caza, es la mor. breveded al mismo Ticmpo q. sc trale con empeno por el mismo Vecilli de la redificacion provicional de un Quarlel q. puede servir de punto de defensa en caso de Sublevacion o de invacion. Dios Y Libertad Matamoros Noviembre 26. dr 1 1835 J. M. Guerra Exmo. Sor. Srio. de Guerra y Marina (1301] [GRAYSON to SOWELL] Gonzales Novemr 26, 1835 Received of John Sowell Twelve bushels, of corn, for the use of the oxen & horses, carrying the cannon & supplies to the Army for which I have agreed to pay him one dollar & half per bushel.

P. W. Grayson Aid de Camp

To the Treasurer of the Provisional Govermt. of Texas

Please pay the amt. of Eighteen dollars the value of the corn

above mentioned to P. W. Grayson. Nov 26, 1835

John Sowell

•. (1302) [MENARD to COUNCIL]

[San Felipe, November 26, 1835]

To the honble Counsil of Texas Gentlemen.

Jacob Garrett Joseph L. Hood and myself having been commissioned by the Genl counsil of Texas to proceed to the east to hold consultation with the northern Indian, and to receive of the publick officers of the department of Nacogdoches all the money existing in their hands, belonging to the Stale of Coahuila & Texas &c. have in discharge of the duties imposed on us, left this place for Nacogdoches on the 21st Oct- last-and proceeded to Mr Sim's farm, where we met, ten or eleven chiefs of the Cherokee tribe, on their way to this place-we there held a counsil with them, and opened to them the intention of the Counsil-in


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