[1298] [ALLEN to HOUSTON]
Nacogdoches Novr. 26th 1835.
Dear General
. Mr. M. G._Logan delivered me your message offering me the appomtment as aid to the Commander in Chief which I accept with pleasure from personal considerations as well as the honor of holding an office in the staff of the Commander in Chief of the army of Texas. please inform me what preperations I shall make in the way of Uniform, Equippage &c. I am arranging my business to ·join the army when required.
I have the honour to be dear sir Your frd. Obt Svt John R. Allen
To Majr Genl. Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Army of Texas
(1299) [BURNET to HOUSTON]
Oakland, San Jacinto Novr. 26th 1835
Genl. Sam Houston My dear Sir
Permit me to introduce lo your acquaintance my worthy
friend Thomas I-1. Brenan Esq.
Mr. Brenan proceeds to San Felipe with a view to join the army. He is a gentleman of high and honorable spirit and entitled to all confidence. You will find him on intimate acquaintance worthy of your esteem. I regret that I have been unable to be with you in the Convention for it would have given me a high gratification to unite my feeble voice with yours in opposing the attempted declaration of independence, for I always have and do still consider such a measure as fraught with ruin to Texas and as worthy only the fame of Him of Salamanca. With cordial wishes for your happiness &c. I am yours &c l'v.c. D:n:icl G. Burnet
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