lo destroy their commerce (and of cours cripple their means for carrying on the war with us) than by priveteering-I should like lo see it carried on in style They would be a complete gard to our coast-and we can in a short time command means for our custom houses almost, if not quite sufficient to support of our govt Send me authority and a commission and what I can do shall be done-1 have it in my power to command the services of one of the first navigators and seemen to be found any where Any thing 1 can do for the state disconnected from privateering shall be done without charge except, only my expenses- I am much pleased with your official and I hope you will find your advice to obtain generally through the country
Your obt. Servt Benj F Smith
[1296] [SMITH to COUNCIL]
To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council.
Gentlemen-I herewith transmit, for your information, the documents received from head-quarters, by express. You will make such disposition of them as your judgment may direct. I have also transmitted the two last ordinances sent by your body to this department, which I approve, and have and have signed. The company of volunteers with Capt. Reed are now here and awaiting orders. You wiU therefore make such disposition of them as the interest and exigencies of the country may require. I am, gentlemen, with sentiments of the highest regard and consideration, Your obedient servant,
HENRY SMITH, Governor.
November 25th, J 835.
[George M. Collinsworth, Goliad, to John H. Moore, November 26, 1835, repealing his request for supplies and munitions for the troops at Goliad.]
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