Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

one han~, and the natural impeclement of an entire ignorance of the English language place him, "hors de combat" out of the q~esti~n, and confides himself especially on the chivalry of the high mmded people of Texas. The Council will receive these opinion and advices as a proof of my fidelity and of my high respect and consideration for their Hon body

Antonio Padilla Mem. Council



al Camp above Bejar 25th Nov 1835

Dear Sir

Your last letter lo me promising the support of the Genl Council lo the Army now in the field below Bejar we have had difficulties which none but those who have been engaged in them could well know We are now reduced down to about 350 men who have agreed to remain before this place we are out of provisions we need Clothing Shoes and Amunition And without Cannon and Mortars Scaling the walls would be the death of very many worthy men The enemy will be very shortly reinforced by Large numbers-we must be reinforced ourselves unless the Country are willing lo see this Army cut off You letter has had great influence in inducing these people lo remain You must not leave them lo their fate without exertion hurry on every man you can We have suffered much for the last few days with cold I am now half frozen while I write I am Your most ob st Thos J Rusk Please write me often Genl Austin will give you the content of many Communications from Mexico which We have got hold of TJR James W. Robinson Lieut. Govr. San Felipe


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