[ 1289] [PADILLA to COUNCIL)
San Felipe 25th Nov. 1835
The undersigned has the honor lo inform the Hon. the General Council that Father Alpuche has manifestecl and expressed to V. D. Augustin Veisca in my opinion both exaggerated and ex lravagant on the subject of the stale of things adopted in Texas, saying to him that the provisions of the declaration that have been adopted by the Consul lation, and are now enacting by the Council, do not conform entirely lo the Constitution federal of 1824. Thal the Council is divided in two or three parties, projects and that all of them must necessarly end in confusion and disorder. Governor Veisca does not aspire lo the government of Texas but has directed his steps lo this country as a land of liberty, in search of an asylum against military tyrany, which has ejected him by force from his employment. His present intention is lo pass to New Orleans, where he expects lo possess greater liherty and security. Father Alpuche is a dangerous man on account of his extravagant opinions, and for the reason, that all our acts will inevitably lead lo confusion inconsistency and are unconformable to the Constitution. also for the reason that the Convention has appointed a Provisional governor, and for other acts equally inconsistent with the declaration, particularly that of having raised a regular army, which no stale a member of the Mexican Confederation can do conformedly with the Constitution. These ideas are the more extravagant, from the natural reason that there are no Laws, or regulation, which Revolutions are ever directed or governed by in as much as all the world knows that, pending a revolution all law is abrogate and every act guided by prudence and circumstances Father Alpuche wishes to leave the country, and is indifferent as lo what port he embarks from, or where he goes lo, provided it is not occuppied by the Military forces of Santa Ana al whose hands he can expect nothing but death. Father Alpuche is confessedly a Republican, bul persecuted by every party of the government of Mexico because he cannot subscribe entirely lo their opinions. In fact Father Alpuche is a rare and eccentric genius. Don Augustin Vasca is an honorable gentleman and worthy of a better fortune: greatly disposed Lo do good lo all, but his delicate politieal ~ilualion on
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