Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

us for the money to pay for her. The crew of the San Filipe, I think eight in number were about to leave and it has been tho'l that they were verry necessary for manning the William Robins they have been detained by guaranteeing them wages this has been done on private responsibility, ascertain if this is right or wrong according lo the ruling powers & opinions of our new stale of things. · Supplies have been sent to the army some men called for by the commander of the Troops and some not called for believing they were necessary have been sent. What has occured may again occur and as the success of our army depends greatly on organization and discipline, so I conceive a government should as much have every act of public purposes sprung from ils proper source and be founded on authority, will you try and bring us information on this subject and if steps have not been taken try and have it done lo place us hereafter in that situation, it may be necessary to charter vessel or vessels for emergencies, can it be done on authority- The San Filipe and her cargo so far as we conlroll (which is the vessel and most of the cargo) we have ordered to remain unclaimed from the insurance until we could learn what cours would be taken in relation to it here, we did this because we were fearful that underwriters would object to some of the proceedings of Texas and we were unwilling lo see an unfriendly feeling created toward the country with even an humble individual of the United ~lates please procure information on this subject, many other matters of a public character which interest particularly this section will suggest themselves lo your immaginalion. The Schooner Columbus has been Slranded on the beach near this place and abandoned and sold, we together with captain Hawkins of this place have become the purchasers, her American Register has been returned to the United Stales her tonnage is 65 tons, will you please if practicable procure for her a register, we have a small Schooner the Lady Madison 19 tons please also procure her a register if practicable Very respeclfully Your obt Servt- Thos F . .McKinney


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