Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Texas that I could bring order from confusion and so arran"e matters as would tend lo sccurinu the rights of the Colonists a~d . b protectmg and preserving to our infant republic its Public Domain to the confusion of the Harpies now preying on it. think and act if you can on these matters [Addressed:] James Robinson Lieutenant Governor of Texas. from Your Sincere friend John Forbes.


Quintana Nov 25 1835

Silas Dinsmore Esqur

Dear Sir, having learned you were going lo San Filipe, and feeling ·much interest in arriving al some satisfactory information on which we may rely in relation to our past & present situation we must beg leave to lresspass upon your patience by requesting you will give your attention to that matter generally It is extremely difficult for one who is not witnessing the scenes and deseases of our situation lo give the proml remedy which we require, you having been a witness of the passing events can better give evidence than the imagination of one can suggest who has not been a looker on. You are aware that volunteers have been called together al this place or rather at Velasco for the purpose of making defence against our enemies many of these men have nol the means of paying tavern Bills, besides, they would be unwilling lo bear the burlhen, grow dissatisfied and leave, the moment they knew that such demands were made-again, many are without arms & munitions of war and without these nothing of this Kind can progress, no one here has had power to act in such cases except an individual responsibility, this has been done, and how is it lo be legalized or whether it all or not is a question and lo whom shall application be made for such approbation? as well of conduct as means used in application thereof. Again vessels and seamen for the moment are indispensably necessary for the proteetion of our coast until arrangements are made to that end, there have been measures taken here for thal purpose as you can better testify lo having been a principle actor in the scene. The William Robins have been purchased and we are informed that bills arc drawn on

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