(1286] [FORBES to HOUSTON]
Nacog<loche~Nov. 25, 1835
Gen. Sam Houston Dr. Sir
It has given me great pleasure to learn of your being appointed Commander in Chief of all Texas. by the General Council. its a favourable accgury of our success. I have but barely time to say that during your absence I have organized three Companies of Militia for the defence of this neighbourhood one in this town under the Command of Capt. Edwards, one at the Nine Mile Spring under Capt. Whittaker, the other on the Tuscose under the command of Captain WalJing. they have been pleased to recognize me as the Col Comt. and receive orders and communica- tions through me. the whole arrangement is temporary could I assist you in making a pertainment one you can fulJy command my Services Yours Respectfully John Forbes P. S. a Proper organization is more needed here than in any other part of Texas.
Nacogdoches Nov. 25, 1835
J. W. Robinson Esqr. Dr. Sir
In addition to what I wrote about last night, I would state that Mr. Henrie will have conveyed to you by the Mail the condition of the Land office of the Colonies by a proper arrangement of the whole, a Large amount of Money could be raised and secured for the Service of Texas, and it would be a matter of the utmost importance to have the same attended to. I am very much afraid that some of my other communications have not reached you, and which if received would have made you somewhat acquain[t] ed with what I believe ought to be done by your body. I have no confidence in the Post Office here you are aware why I have none- I am confident, that if the Council of Texas would confer on Me by a reorganization of [sic] the Land Office, the appointment of Commissioners of the General Land office of all
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