Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

the crealion of a Navy. lf il should be made o·ul in a separate bill for that purpose, it would appear much heller, and would enlirely meet my views, as I deem it entirely necessary for Lhe prolection of our commerce. IL is highly probably that those persons wishing to fil oul privateers would tender their vessels and services to the Governmenl, by having Lhe proper guarantees, and submit Lhemselves enlirely lo Lhe conlrol and supervision of the Government. This, if it could be effecled, would be much helter lhan granting an unbridled, roaming license lo privateers, which would neither be productive of security or profit to the Government. I would therefore suggest the propriety of separating Lhe subslanlive maller of the bill, and inlroduce one solely for the purposes of creating a Navy on proper principles, and leaving out lhe provision for granting letters of marque and reprisal, unless your honorable body may think proper lo inlroduce it in a differenl shape, I am well aware that no good could resull from granling commissions as contemplated by that portion of the bill and as such object to it. I take this opportunity further to remind your body of the propriety of making, without delay, the necessary enaclmenls calculaled to authorize the commander-in-chief of the forces of Texas to issue his proclamation, in order that volunteers, and other troops, daily arriving on our shores, and from various parts of the counlry, may know lo whom they shall report, and to whom they shall hold themselves amenable, either as volunteers for a specific time, or as recruits lo the regular army, I deem it entirely uncalled for, and even imprudent, to furnish troops with clothing or other outfit, without a guarantee to know to whom they will submit themselves, or what the term of their service shall be. With these hasty remarks I forward the bills enumerated, hoping your honorable body will make such disposition of my remarks as their better judgment may direct. With sentiments of regard and consideration, I am



Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.


November 24th, 1835.


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