Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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his purpose. The reason assigned by Castonado for flying without givina battle, was that we had cannon, and he had none; but that whet~ he should receive a reinforcement, Colonel Ugartachea would bring on cannon sufficient to burn and reduce the ~vhole ~own to ashes. We therefore look for another attack soon, m considerable force, and if our troops arrive soon enough, they will enable us to repel the attack successfully, and even, if thought politic, to take up the line of march immediately for San Antonio. We have positive information that can be relied on, that there are only five hundred men in San Antonio, and two' cannon mounted; about two hundred of them are com~cts, with ball and chain, for having attempted to desert; and at least one hundred must remain to keep down the citizens, who it appears are strongly opposed to centTalism. It is highly important that we shoudl be strongly reinforced; we shall probably have, in hvo or three days, about from three hundred to three hundred and fifty men, and if we had about five hundred men, we could, without fear of defeat,'take San Antonio, Lahahia, and in fact drive the enemy entirely out of Texas. It is also ascertained that Cos has not arrived with troops at the Copano; now, then, is the "appointed time." Let our citizens come on, the spirit is up among us, and victory and Independence certain. San Antonio once taken and garrisoned by our own troops, no hostile Mexican would dare to put his foot in Texas. We hope and trust that our citizens are now of one mind as to the intentions of Santa Anna. "The other States have submitted," and the people of Texas must embrace centralism,- So says their commander. We object to the premises, and of course, lo the conclusion. We are well supplied with beef and bread, and corn for our horses. We have a grist mill, which has been repaired by our men, and we are now in abundance. We shall grind plenty of meal in advance, for those that are coming. In fine, the Anglo-American spirit appears in every thing we do; quick, intelligent, and comprehensive; and while such men are fighting for their rights, they may possibly be overpowered by numbers, but, if whipped, they won't stay whipped. David B. Macomb



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