Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

forthwith. In consequence of which 1 shall leave here lo-morrow and hurry on to the N. Orleans without any delay. Col. Ed. Burlison remains in command of the army and you will be suf,j,:c:t to his orders. By intercepted letters from Lipantliclan il appears that no more troops had occupied that place, than were there before? that the Govt. in Mexico are organizing an army of 10,000 men lo be commanded by GenJ. Santana in person who is to he on in the Spring, and that efforts are making lo send on reinforcements to this place.

Ys. respectfully S. F. Austin

[1281) [GOHEEN to AUSTIN]

To SF Austin Commander in Chief

· The undersigned having served as Captain of a company for two months past, wishes now to resign said command for reasons lhal the company is but 18 strong, that they are nol of sufficient number to be caJled a company and he hereby resigns the same if the commander will except the same In camp Nov 24th 1835 M. R. Goheen



I I I. •

To the honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council of Texas:

Gentlemen-I have under review three bills which have been passed by your body, and forwarded to this department. I have duly considered the same, and herewith transmit them, with such remarks as appeared to me consistent. The bill authorizing Thomas F. .M'Kinney to prqceed lo borrow, for the use of the Provisional Government. the smn therein named. I have only to suggest to your body tlw impropriety of employing agents with powers which may <'onflil'l with the duties and powers of our general agents, clcdt•d hy tlw Convention, with a view Lo be immediately di:-patd1t~d. with full and ample powers lo perform all the duties im·orporalt·d in :-aid bill, who will also be authorized and inslruclt•d hy your lnuly lo

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