Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Lhose who are pledged Lo remain will vote. The relurns of the election will be made al head Wuarters by 5 P. M. Oclock this day Nov. 24, 1835.


[Ret:u]rns of the Election held by the compfanies] [for the] Brigade Commanded by Genl. S F Austin General Orders from Head Quarters this (24th November] 1835. For For For For Bowie Berlison Fannin Wallace Capt. Parrotts Compy " F. Whitis do 18

For Johnson

49 l

" Brisco's do " T Ally's do " Colevill 's do " Johnson do " Travis' do " Scot [do I " Goheen do " Birds do " Swishcrs do " Bennet do " NeiU do " Colemans do " Fannin do " Eberlfls do " Wm. I Wharton " Wm. T Austin

20 l

13 12 l

15 42 12 13 30 46 2 13 33 93 l


5 7

2 2



4 18 16 7

l I l I


l 361





Head Quarters of the federal Army of Texas Before Bexar Nov. 24, 1835. Since my last I have recd information which renders it necessary and highly important that fort Goliad should be retained and fortified as strongly as possible. You will therefore maintain your position with all the force you have and all you can collect In the event of the army's raising Lhe siege of this place a considerable portion of it will retire to Goliad. Col. James Bowie will proceed Lo Lhat place in a few days The convention have appointed me a commissioner Lo proceed Lo the U. S. and I am directed Lo go on my mission


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