Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

"The government is authorized to raise as much as five hundred thousand pesos in cash by the least burdensome means, this sum lo be used exclusively for the expense of the war. - Jose M. del Castillo, President. - Jose de Jesus D. y Prieto, Secretario. - Jose Rafael Olaguibel, Secretario." I command, therefore that it be printed, published and circulated for its due observance. - National Palace of Mexico, November 23rd, 1835. l transmit it lo you for your information and guidance. God and Liberty


l\'lexico, November 23, 1835.


Head Wuarlers Novr. 24, 1835. This day the army was paraded for the purpose of ascerlaimng how many volunteers would remain before Bexar as a permanent force under a comr. to be elected by themselves. The present comr. having been caJled by the convention to proceed immediately to San Felipe to go to the U.S. as a comr. On putting lhe question to the line four hundred and five men turned out and pledged themselves to remain, and a roll of them was ordered to be furnished by each Capt. which is filed. On the same day an order was issued for an election for the com. the result of which was as.follows-Edward Burleson was unammously elected Comr. in Chief F. W. Johnson appointed Adjt. and Inspt. Genl Wm. T. Austin appointed Aid de Camp Col. Edward Burlison, Leul Col. Philip Soublett and Leut John York are appointed appraisers to appraise the horses and equipments of the volunteers who remain before Bexar S. F. Austin Novr 24, 1835. The above appraisers will enter into their duty immediately, and report to head Quarters lo night a list of the appraisment. S. F. Au:;tin An election will be held in each Captains company for a commander of the volunteers who remain before Bexar. Norn~ hut

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