hire a man to attend lo the flat, but could not gel any one, to repair the flat, and was compelled to do it, with my own labour, and attend lo _it clay and night, until I was robbed of all my clothing, the second time by some of Capt BraclJey, Sublelts, and English company, when they passed that place, which compelled me to come to this place for clothing, which could not be obtained there - J suppose the work in the flat would amount to four days for a carpenter - and I attended to the boat, day and night for about Thirty Five days, which is well Known to this Honble Body, and I have not received one cent for service, or board- Should this Council think proper, to take this into co11sicleration it will meet the Thanks of your petitioner. if not I still Remain Your Obedient Servant
Launcelot Smither
[1275) [HALL to AUSTIN]
Columbia Novr. 23rd 1835
Genl. S. F. Austin Dear Sir
I arrived in Brazoria on the 13th Inst. and found that the heavy piece of cannon had been put on board the San Felipe which had gone in pursuit of a Mexican Armed Vessel and was lost inside the Matagorda Bay. The guns was however saved and landed on bird lsland on getting this information I despatched Mr. Tanner to Matagorda with letters to the Committee of that place requesting any assistance that might be necessary to gel it to the main land and to forward it on to the Camp with all speed, intending to follow on myself so soon as I could provide some means by which a Company of Volunteers from New-Orleans could be enabled to join the army they had arrived some days previous and was very much disalisfied at the delay. I left on the 18th calculated on joining the cannon al ~latagorda or on the road on l\Iy way I met Mr Patton directly from ~latagorda who told me that the Schooner William Robbins had sailed on the 13th Inst- from that place with the Intention of taking the Cannon on board and bringing it round to the Brazos I have therefore delayed and have sent expresses lo both places-and so soon as I can learn al what point the cannon can be found I will use every exertion to gel her lo Bexar-the weather has been exccssivly bad und tbt·
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