Gonzales, with a sergeant and Two soldiers, with an order to Castinada, to withdraw his troops. I was compelled to leave Five or Six Hundred dollars, in money, and One Thousand dollars in Notes, together with about Three Hundred dollars worth of horses and mules and arrived in the Camp of Castinada, in the shortest time that distance could be rode. At that moment, one of hi& spies came riding up, and informed that there were Three Americans, in Sight-Castinado says to me in the name of God; will you go and ask those Americans, what they want; that I did not come here to fight them, and tried this morning to get a communication, with their commander, and they would not suffer me lo speak to them-I immediately started from the camp to the American spies, which I saw, on reaching them I found it was Captain Caldwell, and Two others; I declared my mission from Castinada, and gave Capt Caldwell, all the particulars, why I had come-He directed me to go back to the camp, and there remain all night, and say to Castinada, that he would not be molested that night, and to come to Gonzales, with me next morning and he should have any communication he wished, with the authority of Gonzales he wished, and to be treated with all the respect of a gentlemen; I executed that mission, and the next morning at day light the Americans were firing on the camp, and knew I was sent on the forsaid mission. Castinada, called me and said; what did you say to me last night, I answered that I had stated, nothing but what, I was directed, and was not the author of it, he placed me under a guard of four men, and look possession, of my mule, money and all the clothing but what I had on, and directed me to remain there, until the fog blew off. in half an hour, I was ordered to where his horse was found, He then ordered me immediately to go to the camp of the Americans, and say to the commander that he did not intend to fight him, but he wished the commander to meet him with a flag of truce which order I executed, and Col Moore, ordered me immediately into the rear of the Americans, and to consider myself a prisoner. I slated to Col Moore that Castinada had my mule, money, and clothes, and I wished to go up with the flag and demand them, and Moore said I could go ten paces in front and see but I could nol go up. I remained at Gonzales, until the army marched for Bexar, and the second day was ordered by Genl. Austin, to return, to Gonzales and emptor a man to repair, the flat; al that place, and
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