the Ranging Company under my charge, Novr 24. 1835
DB Frair
Viesca Novr 24, 1835.-
1835 The State of Texas To Dani B Frair Contractor of the Rangers between Brazos & Colorado suspended
I i I \ I I
To Bill purchased of F Smith ...............................................$100.00 " 6 Bushels of Corn............................................................. 12.00 " 400 lbs Beef ................................................ ..................... 14.00 " Corn purchased of Taylor................................................. 9.00 " Beef.................................................................................·. 6.27 " Corn & Pork..................................................................... 13.50 $154.77 The Treasurer of Texas At sigh pay the above to J L Hood, Novr 24, 1835- D B Friar [ 1274 J [SMITHER to GENERAL COUNCIL)
Nov 23rd 1835
To the Honble the General Council of Texas
Your petitioner, L. Smither, would respectfully represent, lo your consideration, that in a few days after the troops of Ugartachea, marched to Gonzales, an order came to Ugartachea saying that the alcalde of that place, refused lo give up the cannon,-Your petitioner believing at that moment, that he could be of more service to Texas, than he ever could in any other capacity, immediately remonstrated against the proceedings of Ugartachea, and stated to him that he was using military, under the prelense of civil authority; in commanding Lhe Ayuntimiento of Gonzales, to obey the order of the Political Chief of Bexar, for he well knew that the Ayuntimienlo of Gonzales, belonged to the department of the Brazos, He, Ugartachea, immediately says to m,~; if you will immediately go to Gonzales, and procure me an answer Lo my demand, from Lhe Political Chief of Lhe Brazos. r will suspend the movement of my t.roops until that can be obtained, if you will pledge yourself to do so; That I conscntl'd to do, and in a half hour, I slarled for the camp of Castinada, at
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