To S. F. Austin Comr in Chief
On recipt of your Genl. order of this date announcing that an attack on the fortifications of Bexar would be made by Storm tomorrow morning I have ascertained the disposition of the officers and men of my division and believe it to be my duty to report that a majority of them are opposed to the measure and are unwiliing to attempt it and I concur in opinion with them Philip A. Sublett Lt Col. 21 Nov 1835 [1267) [WESTCOTT to PERRY] [Robert Westcott, Philadelphia, to James F. Perry, November 21, 1835, introducing his nephew Stephen Decatur Hurst who "has determined to rally round the Texian Standard and devote his energies in its defence."]
[1268) [AUSTIN to FANNIN]
Head Quarters before Bexar Nov. 22, l835 Capt. J. W. Fannin having represented to me that the absolute nec~ssity of returning home, I have granted to him an honorable discharge and have to say that he has uniformly discharged his duty as a soldier and as an officer.
S. F. Austin Comdr. in Chief
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