[1264] [SMITH to HOUSTON J
Executive Department of Texas
To Gen. Sam Houston Commander
in Chief of the forces of Texas Dear Sir
Enclosed I transmit to you a letler just received from the Capt. of a compy of U.S. volunteers, who have recently arrived on our shores. You will therefore make such communication lo him ' as your judgement may direct. I would further suggest lo you the propriety of issueing your general proclamation, for information, and direction of all who may arrive, or feel disposed to join Your Standard.-and that the work of sysemalic organization be commenced as soon as practicable With sentiments of the highest respect and consideration I am Yr fd & objt San Felipe 21st Novr 1835 Henry Smith Governor [Addressed:] Gen. Sam. Houston Commander in Chief of the forces of Texas
(1265] [SMITH to TREAT]
[Bermuda, November 21, 1835]
[To James Treat:]
... I have commenced my enquiries about the object of my visit here, hut regret to say that my prospects are by no means flattering. The proposi_tion I have made known to the authorities of the place, while they express a confidence in the integrity of the Company, they think from the unsettled condition of Texas & its bordering on slave holding States a perf eel guarrantee could not be given to the colored people of their personal liberty & therefore they cannot recommend the plan to the ncgroes.... [Thomas L. Smith]
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