of the 18th inst, to "Captain P. Dimi tl." Resolved, that, the Secretary of this Company be instructed to furnish Captain Philip Dimitt with two copies of this paper, and that he be requested to transmit one of them lo the Commander in Chief, Head Quarters, before Bexar. Signed by ... (1262) [JONES to the PUBLIC] [John Rice Jones, San Felipe, to Lhe Public, November 21, 1835, listing proposed mail routes for Texas, established by the General Council.]
Georgia City of Macon Nov. 21st, 1835.
To The Provisional Government of Texas-
The Citizens of Macon, deeply sympathising with you in your gallant struggle against Mexican Tyranny & oppression, have appointed us a committee to express to you their feelings in your behalf-when your appeal first reached us calling for aid, our fellow-Towns man Col Ward, the bearer of this, gallantly stepped forward offerred his own services and enlisted about sixty men to march with him [torn]. They commence their march this day-when they reach Texas Col Ward will make a dedication of himself & his men to your service:-all that, we deem it necessary to say is, that they are bra\'e men & worthy to fight in the cause of freedom, and to repeat the wish of Col Ward "that you will permit them to occupy such posts, where "most danger is to be met & most Honor won"-with prayers for your success
We are yr friends & c. Robt Augs Beale
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Robt. Collins Lewis Eckly Thad G Holt
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