Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Baylor, Benjamin Noble, John P. Borden, Benjamin J. White, and Dugald Mc Farlane, lo prepare a preamble and resolutions expressive of Lheir sentiments, and were instructed to report the same fo~ Lheir adoption. Both have been read, and both adopted by the signers herelo. Resolved, that, we entered the service of our country, as citizen, volunteer soldiers-that as such, we claim, and can never surrender but with life, the right, to elect, and elect freely, our immediate commander. Resolved, thal, in conformitv wi Lh this principle, and in pursuance of this determination, w~ have elected, and Lhal we recognize as our present Captain, Citizen Philip Dimitt; that we have every confidence in his capacity, firmness, patriotism, and uncompromising devotion to the great cause in which all we hold dear and near, both as citizens, and citizen soldiers, is now involved. Resolved, that, lo the Citizen named in the order as the successor of Captain Dimill, we have no personal objections-on the contrary, he has our confidence both as an officer and a man-we know him, we esteem, we highly respect, and we love him. He was once, the elected commander of our company-but he withdrew from us-was elected lo the post of a majority, and left us without a commander. We elected another lo fill his place, and il has been ably filled. Resolved, that, it is not our province to presuppose charges and specification against any officer; much less is it our place, or this the occasion, lo anticipate Lhe preference of any against the man, the officer of our confidence. When they are made, however, it will be competent for all concerned to fill the place allolled them with calmness and decision; and for the interested party, lo discharge, and fearlessly discharge, as he thus far has done since our association with him, his duly to himself, his company. and his country. Resolved, that, whilst we retain and adhere to the right of freely electing our company officers so long as we remain in Lhc service under existing regulations, or rather during the want of all regulations; we freely concede lo the Commander in Chief, that of so applying, and so disposing of us, as, in his opinion, the permanent advancement of the common cause of Texas, may require. Resolved, thal, a copy of the foregoing preamble & resolutions be forwarded by Volunlccr Ira Ingram, lo each of the printing offices in Texas for publication; and that he forward al~o lo Lhc Prcsidcnl of the Convention, a copy of the same: i11d11di11g in every instance a copy of the letter of the Commander in Chil'f

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