Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

things, comprehends the very difinition of properly. To such a use, and such a disposal, we have, as yet, never given our assent; or, if we have, we are yet to be informed that any implied concessions of power made by us, have been so developed by the acts, or even the resolu Lions, of our Convention. We cannot, therefore, recognize any such right as being deposited in the hands of your Excellency. The principles involved in the practical extension and application of the order, embrace the right lo use every engine of power necessary to enslave or liberate, Lo establish and protect, or to haller down, the liberties of a nation. But as the power lo do wrong always includes the means of doing good, and is sometimes laudably exerted--in the cause of human improvement, it would be passing an unprovoked, and unintended censure, to withhold from --.our General, a frank, and full expression of our confidence, in the purity of his motives, and in the patriot aim of his military services. But the power claime:!d to be exercised in the present instance, is no less than that of unmaking, and of making, at the fiat of a man; of destroying, and of creating; of overthrowing, and of building up-it is denying to men, embarked in the same cause, as that in which a small portion of your countrymen have made your Excellency a provisional leader, the privilege of associating themselves together under the immediate command of an officer of their own choice; and it involves the anti-republican and rcvolting doctrine, of subjecting them to the unwelcome & unwise, nay, the anlipalriotic and despotic command of one, opposed to the very cause in which they may have periled their lives, their properly, their liberty and country. And if we understand the great question now before the trial bar of Texas, in the field, and in the cabinet; in the head, and in the heart of every old, of every young espouser of its brightening fortunes, it is against these principles, and principles like these, that gathering numbers arc rallying and embodying, lo engrave with the point of the sword, their deep, their eternal hatred. The practical dcvelopement of these, and principles like these consLi Lu tcs the very essence of the threatening wrongs which we have taken the ficl cl Lo redress; the very soul of the sysh·rn, against the ex tension of which, we· have again and again proh~sted. Their practice involves every ucl which agonizing man can suffer, or tyranny inrticl; and tamely submit lo their authority, would be.

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