Camp near Bexar, 2lsl November, 1835
S. F. Austin, Commander-in-Chief
On receipt of your general ord~r of lhis dale, announcing that an attack ~n the fortifications would be made by storm to-~orrow mornmg, I have ascertained the disposition of the officers and me~ o! my division, and believe it to be my duty to report that a ma1onty of them are opposed to lhe measure, and are unwilling to attempt it.
Edward Burleson Col. Commanding
Fort of Goliad Nov: 21st. 1835.
To, Slephen F. Austin, Comma~der in Chief of the Army of the People of Texas. The volunleers composing lhat portion of the Army now in possession of the Fort & Town of Goliad, have seen with surprise, lhe order of your Excellency of the 18th inst. addressed to their Captain P. Dimitt, "to deliver to the command of Caplain Geo. M. Collinsworth, lhis fort & Town." As the "complaints" which your Excellency informs Captain Dimitt have "compelled you to adopt this measure," are neither specified, nor yet regarded as involving them, either individually or collectively, as private citizens, or patriot soldiers, they forbear to notice the sources whence they came, so far even as to honor them with a nominal quolation. Bul wilh the effect which the order is.calculated to have on them, and with the principles which ils liberal execulion would involve, they have Lhal lo do, from which no ~onsideralions, no fears, no hopes, can ei lher deter, or lead them. The effecl would he, to place them under the command of one, whom they have not elected to command them-and to take from them, one, whom they have elected-to transfer them like servile dependants from one authority to another, wilhoul allowing Lhem even Lhe freedom of volition as to the lransfer, or to whom. A right so lo use and so to dispose of both men and
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