body ~he propriety of having t!1eir enactments presented in regular numenc~l order, masm~ch as 1t w_ould tend to make our journals more umfor~ and consistent. As 1t respects the first ordinance, I only suggest 1ls amendment so as lo allow the Executive the three full days from the time of its reception in that department without regard lo the d_ate of its before the House; with these rem~rks I _herewith ~eturn the first decree, the second being under cons1derat1on, and will be returned as soon as practicable. . With sentiments of the highest regard and consideration, I remain
Your obedient servant, Henry Smith
San FeJipe, 20th November, 1835
[ 1257] [SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department San Felipe, November 20, 1835 To the Honorable the President and members of the Legislative Council: Gentlemen.-The second ordinance passed by your body is now before me, and has received my serious consideration. To as much of it as goes to the establishing of the salaries of the different officers therein named, l feel bound to object. Inasmuch as the chosen delegates of all Texas, in convention assembled, determined to pursue strictly the rules of economy, by rigidly expunging the names of offices well known to be absolutely necessary for proper organization, it would now be deemed in us (with whom the power has been deposited) a great error or stretch of that power, if we should create offices with what the people would consider high salaries. I have every wish that the laborer should be well paid for his services; but inasmuch as we have not a rich treasury, and our country is involved in war, I think much should be performed through motives of patriotism. It must be evident to all that the convention, when voting the salaries of the governor and lieutenant governor, were actuated from such motives, well knowing their offices were the most arduous and responsible within their gift. As such, I consider all permanent officers should be graduated from them, and allowed per annum
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