Head Quarters, San Felipe de Austin, 20 Nov 1835
To the Hon. the Governor and Genl Council of Texas
Gentelmen I have the honor to enclose for your information a report of Ira Westover, adjutant, detailing the circumstances of the reduction of the garrison of lipantitlan, on the night of the 3rd inst. In transmitting the same I feel much pleasure in the Expression of my approbation in favor of the conduct and bravery of the officers & men who have so handsomely acquitted themselves in the affair and so deservedly won the reputation for themselves and Glory for their Country. Sam Houston Maj Genl & Comd in Chief of the Army.
[Juan A. Padilla to General Council, November 20, 1835, stating that Gov. Viesca is not interested in Texas but is on his way to New Orleans where he hopes to find greater security.] [1253] [PARKER to------]
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Nacogdoches, Nov. 20th, 1835
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Dear Sir,
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance the bearer, Mr. -----, who will hand you some official documents relative to Texas, which I ask of you, as a friend to Liberty and Texas, to publish. Mr. ---------- will give correct information about our affairs. His statements you can publish as truth. I have just arrived after a tedious and harassing journey, owing to the bad weather and sickness of some of my company. I start for Antonio in the morning, and hope to be there by the time the batteing cannon arrive from New Orleans. We want all the guns, ammunitation and men you can send. The Volunteers are received with open arms by the people, and, as you sec by the proceedings of the Convention, arc properly announced. The Americans are within four hundred yards of San Antonio and waiting until cannon, &c. shall be received. The Tcxians, as you will
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