Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

be something more at leisure, and that I can visit you with some 20 troops - A small troop will leave our village about the 1st January, under the conduct of Mr. Daggett, or Mr. Patten whom I take the liberty to recommend to your kind attention- ! wish you to write to me, letting me know what the prospect is; what we may depend upon &c. - Adieu in haste- R. C. Stockton N. B. Are you not stopping too short,, to halt on the confines of the province of Texas? Why not march up to the walls of Mexico, and treat with the usurper in his capital? I could raise 20 men to go on such an expidition, where I could not raise five to defend the province of Texas- I am, sir, General, respectfully yours &c R. C. Stockton N. B. If you should answer my leller, please to direct your communication to me at Lake Providence Parish of Carrolle, Louisiana- R. C. S- [Addressed:) General S. Houston Texas [1250) [COLLINS to AUSTIN]

Macon Georgia 20 Nov 1835.


We beg leave to hand you the annexed copy of the proceedings of our citizens on the subject of Texas, and as the sametime take great pleasure in, introducing to you Col William Wood who now goes to offer his Services, with his noble company of Riflemen in aid of your Cause and the Cause of liberty, and allow us to add, that having, the greatest confidence in the patriotism, Bravery, and firmness, of our men, and particularly their Commander, we must respectfully ask for them, the part of peril, where danger can be encountered, and honors awarded to the Brave.

I have the ho.nor to be Very Respectfully Your most obs st Robs. Collins for Commiltee

To Col Stephen F Austin or the Commander of the army of Texas.


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