Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

their Brelhern of Texas from the galling yoke of a Military Despot. With sentiments of respect-and esteem we remain respectfully yours &c &c John J. Schuler W Carothers

I I 1'

Alfred. Creigh W B. Parkinson John W. Noble

N.B. In order lo shew you the military force and to prove the Military spirit of our County we attach herewith an abslracl from Lhe Brigade Inspectors return with his certificate. He too is anxious lo march in aid of the Texians. Twenty nine Companies of Volunteers consisting of Cavalry, Artillery, Infantry and Riflemen, amounting to 1420 men. Thirty nine Companies of Militia containing 4823 men. Grand Total 6243 men. The foregoing number of 6243 men includes officers and it is expected if were provided with funds, ·many more than have manifested their inclination would join us and march to Texas. I certify that the above number of Companies and amount of men as belonging to this Brigade are just and correct as appears by my last return.

Edw ---------- Inspector 1st B. 11 lh Penna .Militia

There is a prospect of us taking a few boxes of arms with us. [Addressed:] Col. Stephen F. Austin


Providence, La. 19th. Nov. 1835.

Dear General,

We feel in the United States, a most lively interest, as you know, in the struggle in which you, and your compatriots are in present engaged - Some are interested, because of the prospect of gain; some because of the chances of fame; but I feel interested because I love you, and your cause - I am at this time most particularly engaged in business; but I think by 1st Feb, '36, I can


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