Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


thee in the road to Fame. when all that is necessary to secure that country from the ravages of the Mexicans, I joyfully anticipate, that the high and Presidential chair shall be filled by You. like the Immortal Washington when after a Tedious war, when the suffrages of a free People, called him to be their first President under the New constitution. If I live about 3 or 4 years from now I hope that we shall see each other, I intend to go there. Nothing more al present,

Yours Most Respectfully Jefferson Rodgers



Carlisle Cumborland County State of Penn- sylvania 19th November 1835

Stephen F. Austin Esqr. Dear Sir.

We have been appointed a Committee of Correspondence by a meeting of the Young Men of this place, held last evening, to address you with regard to the cause of Texas. AU our Sympathies are enlisted in the cause of Freedom-but the difficulties to be encountred before we could enter the field of action are numerous-hence it is that the meeting has suggested to us the propriety of receiving some communication from you before we set out upon this expedition. The force that could be raised here for he purpose of assisting the Friends of Liberty in Texas would be from Fifty to Sixty or Seventy Young Able bodied men between the ages of 21 and 30 years. The obstacles that present themselves are as follows Those who propose going are young men without funds and the means of defraying the expenses of so long a journey-And the possibility of their services not being wanted on the part of Texas. If the Committee of Texas should not deem these obstacles too great to be overcome they will be pleased to address this Committee immediately. Those who propose going are young able bodied men who are enthusiastic in the cause of Texas and will freely venture their lives (its all they have to venture) to free


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