been. procured, and are procuring through the people's agents appomted for that purpose, and that all their demands will be promptly answered. Let no discouraging reports or vogue and undefined h_umors, prevent your hasty cooperation with your brethren in the f1~ld._ Be assured that your representatives will not deceive you, or m1sd1rect your efforts. "God and Liberty" is the watchword. peace and tranquility your reward.
D. C. Barrett Chairman
[Jose Francisco de la Garza lo Ayuntamiento, Laredo, November 19, 1835, forwarding an order from Col. Domingo de Ugartechea to Col. Jose Juan Sanchez asking for supplies for the forces under General Cos at Bexar. J p245J [HILL to CHILDRESS J
Nashville, Nov. 19, 1835
To George C. Childress, Esq.
Dear Sir.-Enclosed you will find my bill of exchange on N. & J. Dick & Co., of New Orleans for five thousand doUars, payable to to your order. On your retmn to Texas should you find the friends to liberty of conscience oppressed, fighting for their homes and that republican form of government they were induced to believe they would enjoy when they left the land of freedom, I wish you to place the above sum in the hands of those in authority, with my prayers for their success. Should they fail to gain their liberty, I shall never regret the loss of the money. Should, however, the God of Heaven own the struggle, which I believe he will, I leave it with the government lo set apart a piece of land, equal to the sum furnished, provided a republican form of government is established. If a tyranical or dictatorial government is formed I do not wish my children lo inherit any part of the soil. Having entire confidence in your judgment, as to my views, I leave the matter entirely with you. May God bless you.
Your friend, H. R. W. llill 467
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