Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[1239] [JOHNSON to WILLIAMSON] Camp at the Mill near Bexar 18th Nov. 1835·

Dear Willie,

We have been marching and counter-marching pretty much· ever since I have been in Camp and without being able to affect any thing more than to keep the enmy within their walls, but with all of our vigilanr.e Col. Ugartachea has gone out with from 150 to 200 men & 100 stand of muskets to meet a reinforcement from Lorado composed of 300 civic militia from Zacalecas & San Louis who are unarmed and guarded by 95 armed men- We have had considerable desertion in our Jines since my arrivaJ, which has been remedied in part by the recruits ·from different parls of Lhe country who are coming almost daily-the camp is only kept together by the patriotism of the men and the unremi lling exertions of the officers, but Lhis will shortly fail unless some prompt, definitive and efficient measures are taken by the convention at this time almost every thing depends upon the Convention-Tl-~_e Town and Garrison is strongly fortified, much stronger than you could immagine and they arc hourly engaged in fortifying and strengthening the place we can do nothing without battering Cannon ball &c.-The pieces we have are too small though we will make the best use of them possible, bul for them we have but few balls which we are now trying to remedy by colle2!ing all the copper & bells about the old missions and casting it into ball for the pieces we have here.- For Gods sake have the battering piece forwarded with balJ &c. Tenlcloth and other things are in great requisition and it is the only thing that will keep the present force together the keeping of this force together is all important to the success of Texas.-Doclrs Grant and Cameron arrived here last night from [Labahiaj who informes us that Viesca and Col. Gonzales are on their way lo Sanfilipe-Col. Gonzales has tendered his service to Gen. Austin-He can be of much service from the ·information recd. by lhe gentlemen above mentioned-200 of the US volunteers will be in lo day-Capt. Fannin returned last night from a tour in search of the convoy &c. and wenl out as far as San Miguel bul without being able Lo make any discovery-Col. Burleson is now out in the same business with from 120 to 150 men-Capt. Travis look 300 head of Horses and 6 prisoners-the Horses are all fit for use and


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