Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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interest of the army: and will continue to do so in my official Capacity untill l hear from you Hall (Addressed:] To Genl. Stephen F Austin Comdl-in Chief of the Federal Army Ilexar

[1238] [HALL to SMITH)

Velasco Novr 18, 1835

Hon Henry Smith Dr Sir

After making aJI possible haste to execute the commission imposd. on me by the Convention, I arrived here just in time to get wreckd on board the Scho Columbus, which went on shore about half a mile east of this place, another vessel is preparing & will probably sail in 3 days from this time, when I am in hopes to be on my way to New Orleans, to quiet the impatience that must exist amo11g our Friends. The Victoria was seen last evening just below the mouth of the Bernard and this morning Mr l\lill's Scho. from New York, arrived off the barr & of course is safe from Capture (loaded with goods) the importance of having some armed Vessels off this coast musl be obvious. I am therefore in hopes lo receive a commission from Mr. Allen with all the Instructions necessary before I leave, which can be done by express. the Instructions must be to board & take as prise any vessel under the mexican flag so that the prises will arnply comp'ensate the captors lo designate our flag it has been suggested that 1824 be added in large figures lo the present flag the Commission askd for by Mr Allen, is intended for Lt. Harby 1t would therefore be better to leave it Blank to be filld up on my arrival at N Orleans Very Respectfully I have the honor to be Yours Edwd. Hall


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